I'm constantly trying to improve the environment.
Whatever I do, if I know I'm going to be doing it for a long time, I try to make the processes more comfortable. Even before cooking I need to clean the kitchen, before sporoting I need to put on comfortable clothes and take drinking water.
When it comes to working with computers, I know that I will be doing it for more than just the next day. I want to spend my whole life with computers.
So trying to find even a 5% improvement in workflow doesn't seem so useless to me.
And to be honest, I find it very interesting and fun!
I change distributions, terminals, environments, and on and on.
Tools that I use and have used for some time now
Category | Tool | Notes |
Distribution | Arch | Great in every aspect, but require some love and patience. |
Fedora | Latest software without rolling. Pretty stable. Switched to arch fully | |
DE/WM | Gnome | It works. Very modern libadwaita theme, and apps. |
Sway | Simplest tiling WM i know. Tried many of them, always felt like it took too much effort to feel ok. | |
Terminal | OK, let's be honest - they are not really big difference. All below is pretty good, and I don't even notice big difference between them. BUT YET | |
Foot | modern basish terminal | |
Alacritty | modern terminal + live config reload | |
Ghostty | modern terminal + live reload + theme selector. Current | |
Shell | Zsh | Changed from bash mostly for autosuggestions. Used with zsh4humans. Previous |
OG Bash + ble.sh | Fuck yeah, syntax highlighting, powerful completion and all shit on default bash shell. Current | |
.config manager | Chezmoi | Not really tried alternatives. It really just works. Very helpful tool |
Browser | Zen | From alpha, to stable beta. Fast, private and with great interface, and crazy abilities like mods store. Firefox-based. Current |
Firefox | OG. Using on phone (fennec from fdroid). | |
Notes | Obsidian | Not opensource, but great community support. More stable and polished expirience than Logseq. Currently using. |
Logseq | Used previously. Opensource. Really well-designed. My note-taking habits developed from using it - bullets, journals, all note in one place. Personally dislike the Org-mode date format and lack of simple checkboxes. (fixed in db version) No extensions on mobile. Definitely not so polished and community-supported as Obsidian. Probably will return to it when they will release database version. |
Silverbullet | Great self-hosted app. Almost no plugins, but it has almost all needed out of the box. Very hackable, scriptable and all. The problem is that there are almost no plugins and the graphical options are limited. But still, the app is incredibly good and a real OSS. | |
Editor | Helix | Great terminal text editor with all needed features, themes backed in. Static config in toml and that's enough. Feels great, current editor. |
Neovim | Previously used. Customizible af. Config in some script language. Good for pro, but coding is not my job. | |
Passwords | KeepassXC + KeepassDX | Local, easy, simple, with ssh-agent and browser integration, and android app. Best of the best. |
Syncing Notes, Passwords | Syncthing | Sync between devices without leaving local network. I just disabled public discovery. Works really well. |
RSS | Miniflux | Minimalistic, but very functional program for reading rss feeds. A bit ugly at first glance, but it's very easy to get used to. I also installed RSS-Bridge to expand its capabilities. |
VPN | Error code: 451 | |
Proxy for localhosted | Caddy | Revolutionary simple configuration for hosts, give it a try if you haven't already. |
All my values naturally converge to self-hosting.
Freedom, privacy, opensource, control and hackability - all this multiplied by the nerd fun of being able to run saas-like applications entirely under my controll. And I don't care if maintainers disappear or even if the internet disappears completely, I'll still be comfortable and without data loss. So this freedom has become my little hobby.
Right now I'm using a simple system - a router with openwrt, and an always-on laptop right underneath it. For my modest tasks it is completely enough, but I think in the future this system will be expanded.
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